Welcome to Frozen Tundras

This is a 16+ roleplay centered upon dogs gifted with a mind who were driven up north by time. The tale here is carved by your characters alone.
The plot here is designed to be loose and moldable, changing as characters make their choices; typically major plot points being pushed through events written by admins and writers.

Cozbi Crest . ? Crestclaw . ? Weaverclaw / ? Weaverclaw

We are the honest and brave. We strive for truth. We wander the frozen grounds seeking truth, but it slips further and further as we chase an unknown thought. What does it take to be a true member of our pack? Is it the honesty or the hypocrisy that defines us?

A tale left to the north by greed,
May survival and tale be seen,
So harsh home is, we make our plead.
Truths we must speak as a mere creed.
Their request known, hear us accede.

High Rank Tryouts
We are looking to find some dogs to fill some spots!
We need 1 Crestclaw
We also need 2 Weaverclaws.

Rank Tryout Form link

Do not fret if you do not get the spot you were hoping for. These ranks can shift as they please, if you want that spot badly, have your dog challenge the holder for that position. and hope you win. (These things use stats to determine the outcome.)

Mod/Writer Tryouts
Currently, we are looking to find 2 plot writers, and 3 chat mods.
Plot writers will work with admins to write loose plot, they're required to keep an eye on public roleplays for character choices and help write plot. Their duties are simple, (This role is called Weaverclaw.)Chat mods are to keep an eye on roleplays, chat, and make sure rules are being followed. (This role is called Crestclaw)Current count
-0/2 Plot Writers
-0/3 Chat mods
Tryout Forms